Fly Mami Fly Mommy

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Effortlessly Fly
How can something so bold come so natural. 

Fashion Entrepreneur Jai Nice Creative Director and Designer for Kloset Envy is a fierce fashionista armed with a sexy Jamaican accent & beautiful mane this fly mami is killing off the average Instagram user on a daily basis with fun outfits and eye catching instavids displaying Kloset Envy hot new items. Jai is also a Fly Mommy to a beautiful little Princess who is just as trendy as her fly mommy. offers a wide variety of stylish clothing, shoes, Handbags and accessories at affordable prices. 

Jai brings excitement and color to fashion I can't wait to see what more she has in stores and whiteness what Kloset Envy really has to offer. 
You can shop follow Jai Nice on Instagram @Jai_Nice to see all the wonderfulness. 

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